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AIA Article 65. Establishment and structure of the European Artificial Intelligence Board

  • 1.
    A European Artificial Intelligence Board (the ‘Board’) is hereby established.
  • 2.
    The Board shall be composed of one representative per Member State. The European Data Protection Supervisor shall participate as observer. The AI Office shall also attend the Board’s meetings, without taking part in the votes. Other national and Union authorities, bodies or experts may be invited to the meetings by the Board on a case by case basis, where the issues discussed are of relevance for them.
  • 3.
    Each representative shall be designated by their Member State for a period of three years, renewable once.
  • 4.
    Member States shall ensure that their representatives on the Board:
    • (a)
      have the relevant competences and powers in their Member State so as to contribute actively to the achievement of the Board’s tasks referred to in Article 66;
    • (b)
      are designated as a single contact point vis-à-vis the Board and, where appropriate, taking into account Member States’ needs, as a single contact point for stakeholders;
    • (c)
      are empowered to facilitate consistency and coordination between national competent authorities in their Member State as regards the implementation of this Regulation, including through the collection of relevant data and information for the purpose of fulfilling their tasks on the Board.
  • 5.
    The designated representatives of the Member States shall adopt the Board’s rules of procedure by a two-thirds majority. The rules of procedure shall, in particular, lay down procedures for the selection process, the duration of the mandate of, and specifications of the tasks of, the Chair, detailed arrangements for voting, and the organisation of the Board’s activities and those of its sub-groups.
  • 6.
    The Board shall establish two standing sub-groups to provide a platform for cooperation and exchange among market surveillance authorities and notifying authorities about issues related to market surveillance and notified bodies respectively. The standing sub-group for market surveillance should act as the administrative cooperation group (ADCO) for this Regulation within the meaning of Article 30 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020. The Board may establish other standing or temporary sub-groups as appropriate for the purpose of examining specific issues. Where appropriate, representatives of the advisory forum referred to in Article 67 may be invited to such sub-groups or to specific meetings of those subgroups as observers.
  • 7.
    The Board shall be organised and operated so as to safeguard the objectivity and impartiality of its activities.
  • 8.
    The Board shall be chaired by one of the representatives of the Member States. The AI Office shall provide the secretariat for the Board, convene the meetings upon request of the Chair, and prepare the agenda in accordance with the tasks of the Board pursuant to this Regulation and its rules of procedure.

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