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Cybersecurity Act
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    • Artificial Intelligence Act
  • Cybersecurity

    • Cybersecurity Act
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    • Digital Services Act
    • European Media Freedom Act

CSA Article 10. Awareness-raising and education

  • ENISA shall:
    • (a)
      raise public awareness of cybersecurity risks, and provide guidance on good practices for individual users aimed at citizens, organisations and businesses, including cyber-hygiene and cyber-literacy;
    • (b)
      in cooperation with the Member States, Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and industry, organise regular outreach campaigns to increase cybersecurity and its visibility in the Union and encourage a broad public debate;
    • (c)
      assist Member States in their efforts to raise cybersecurity awareness and promote cybersecurity education;
    • (d)
      support closer coordination and exchange of best practices among Member States on cybersecurity awareness and education.

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