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CSA Article 24. Single programming document

  • 1.
    ENISA shall operate in accordance with a single programming document containing its annual and multiannual programming, which shall include all of its planned activities.
  • 2.
    Each year, the Executive Director shall draw up a draft single programming document containing its annual and multiannual programming with the corresponding financial and human resources planning in accordance with Article 32 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1271/2013 and taking into account the guidelines set by the Commission.
  • 3.
    By 30 November each year, the Management Board shall adopt the single programming document referred to in paragraph 1 and shall transmit it to the European Parliament, to the Council and to the Commission by 31 January of the following year, as well as any subsequently updated versions of that document.
  • 4.
    The single programming document shall become final after the definitive adoption of the general budget of the Union and shall be adjusted as necessary.
  • 5.
    The annual work programme shall comprise detailed objectives and expected results including performance indicators. It shall also contain a description of the actions to be financed and an indication of the financial and human resources allocated to each action, in accordance with the principles of activity-based budgeting and management. The annual work programme shall be coherent with the multiannual work programme referred to in paragraph 7. It shall clearly indicate tasks that have been added, changed or deleted in comparison with the previous financial year.
  • 6.
    The Management Board shall amend the adopted annual work programme when a new task is assigned to ENISA. Any substantial amendments to the annual work programme shall be adopted by the same procedure as for the initial annual work programme. The Management Board may delegate the power to make non-substantial amendments to the annual work programme to the Executive Director.
  • 7.
    The multiannual work programme shall set out the overall strategic programming including objectives, expected results and performance indicators. It shall also set out the resource programming including multi-annual budget and staff.
  • 8.
    The resource programming shall be updated annually. The strategic programming shall be updated where appropriate and in particular where necessary to address the outcome of the evaluation referred to in Article 67.

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