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CSA Article 54. Elements of European cybersecurity certification schemes

  • 1.
    A European cybersecurity certification scheme shall include at least the following elements:
    • (a)
      the subject matter and scope of the certification scheme, including the type or categories of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes covered;
    • (b)
      a clear description of the purpose of the scheme and of how the selected standards, evaluation methods and assurance levels correspond to the needs of the intended users of the scheme;
    • (c)
      references to the international, European or national standards applied in the evaluation or, where such standards are not available or appropriate, to technical specifications that meet the requirements set out in Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 or, if such specifications are not available, to technical specifications or other cybersecurity requirements defined in the European cybersecurity certification scheme;
    • (d)
      where applicable, one or more assurance levels;
    • (e)
      an indication of whether conformity self-assessment is permitted under the scheme;
    • (f)
      where applicable, specific or additional requirements to which conformity assessment bodies are subject in order to guarantee their technical competence to evaluate the cybersecurity requirements;
    • (g)
      the specific evaluation criteria and methods to be used, including types of evaluation, in order to demonstrate that the security objectives referred to in Article 51 are achieved;
    • (h)
      where applicable, the information which is necessary for certification and which is to be supplied or otherwise be made available to the conformity assessment bodies by an applicant;
    • (i)
      where the scheme provides for marks or labels, the conditions under which such marks or labels may be used;
    • (j)
      rules for monitoring compliance of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes with the requirements of the European cybersecurity certificates or the EU statements of conformity, including mechanisms to demonstrate continued compliance with the specified cybersecurity requirements;
    • (k)
      where applicable, the conditions for issuing, maintaining, continuing and renewing the European cybersecurity certificates, as well as the conditions for extending or reducing the scope of certification;
    • (l)
      rules concerning the consequences for ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes that have been certified or for which an EU statement of conformity has been issued, but which do not comply with the requirements of the scheme;
    • (m)
      rules concerning how previously undetected cybersecurity vulnerabilities in ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes are to be reported and dealt with;
    • (n)
      where applicable, rules concerning the retention of records by conformity assessment bodies;
    • (o)
      the identification of national or international cybersecurity certification schemes covering the same type or categories of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes, security requirements, evaluation criteria and methods, and assurance levels;
    • (p)
      the content and the format of the European cybersecurity certificates and the EU statements of conformity to be issued;
    • (q)
      the period of the availability of the EU statement of conformity, technical documentation, and all other relevant information to be made available by the manufacturer or provider of ICT products, ICT services or ICT processes;
    • (r)
      maximum period of validity of European cybersecurity certificates issued under the scheme;
    • (s)
      disclosure policy for European cybersecurity certificates issued, amended or withdrawn under the scheme;
    • (t)
      conditions for the mutual recognition of certification schemes with third countries;
    • (u)
      where applicable, rules concerning any peer assessment mechanism established by the scheme for the authorities or bodies issuing European cybersecurity certificates for assurance level ‘high’ pursuant to Article 56(6). Such mechanism shall be without prejudice to the peer review provided for in Article 59;
    • (v)
      format and procedures to be followed by manufacturers or providers of ICT products, ICT services or ICT processes in supplying and updating the supplementary cybersecurity information in accordance with Article 55.
  • 2.
    The specified requirements of the European cybersecurity certification scheme shall be consistent with any applicable legal requirements, in particular requirements emanating from harmonised Union law.
  • 3.
    Where a specific Union legal act so provides, a certificate or an EU statement of conformity issued under a European cybersecurity certification scheme may be used to demonstrate the presumption of conformity with requirements of that legal act.
  • 4.
    In the absence of harmonised Union law, Member State law may also provide that a European cybersecurity certification scheme may be used for establishing the presumption of conformity with legal requirements.

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