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CSA Article 58. National cybersecurity certification authorities

  • 1.
    Each Member State shall designate one or more national cybersecurity certification authorities in its territory or, with the agreement of another Member State, shall designate one or more national cybersecurity certification authorities established in that other Member State to be responsible for the supervisory tasks in the designating Member State.
  • 2.
    Each Member State shall inform the Commission of the identity of the designated national cybersecurity certification authorities. Where a Member State designates more than one authority, it shall also inform the Commission about the tasks assigned to each of those authorities.
  • 3.
    Without prejudice to point (a) of Article 56(5) and Article 56(6), each national cybersecurity certification authority shall be independent of the entities it supervises in its organisation, funding decisions, legal structure and decision-making.
  • 4.
    Member States shall ensure that the activities of the national cybersecurity certification authorities that relate to the issuance of European cybersecurity certificates referred to in point (a) of Article 56(5) and in Article 56(6) are strictly separated from their supervisory activities set out in this Article and that those activities are carried out independently from each other.
  • 5.
    Member States shall ensure that national cybersecurity certification authorities have adequate resources to exercise their powers and to carry out their tasks in an effective and efficient manner.
  • 6.
    For the effective implementation of this Regulation, it is appropriate that national cybersecurity certification authorities participate in the ECCG in an active, effective, efficient and secure manner.
  • 7.
    National cybersecurity certification authorities shall:
    • (a)
      supervise and enforce rules included in European cybersecurity certification schemes pursuant to point (j) of Article 54(1) for the monitoring of the compliance of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes with the requirements of the European cybersecurity certificates that have been issued in their respective territories, in cooperation with other relevant market surveillance authorities;
    • (b)
      monitor compliance with and enforce the obligations of the manufacturers or providers of ICT products, ICT services or ICT processes that are established in their respective territories and that carry out conformity self-assessment, and shall, in particular, monitor compliance with and enforce the obligations of such manufacturers or providers set out in Article 53(2) and (3) and in the corresponding European cybersecurity certification scheme;
    • (c)
      without prejudice to Article 60(3), actively assist and support the national accreditation bodies in the monitoring and supervision of the activities of conformity assessment bodies, for the purposes of this Regulation;
    • (d)
      monitor and supervise the activities of the public bodies referred to in Article 56(5);
    • (e)
      where applicable, authorise conformity assessment bodies in accordance with Article 60(3) and restrict, suspend or withdraw existing authorisation where conformity assessment bodies infringe the requirements of this Regulation;
    • (f)
      handle complaints by natural or legal persons in relation to European cybersecurity certificates issued by national cybersecurity certification authorities or to European cybersecurity certificates issued by conformity assessment bodies in accordance with Article 56(6) or in relation to EU statements of conformity issued under Article 53, and shall investigate the subject matter of such complaints to the extent appropriate, and shall inform the complainant of the progress and the outcome of the investigation within a reasonable period;
    • (g)
      provide an annual summary report on the activities conducted under points (b), (c) and (d) of this paragraph or under paragraph 8 to ENISA and the ECCG;
    • (h)
      cooperate with other national cybersecurity certification authorities or other public authorities, including by sharing information on the possible non-compliance of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes with the requirements of this Regulation or with the requirements of specific European cybersecurity certification schemes; and
    • (i)
      monitor relevant developments in the field of cybersecurity certification.
  • 8.
    Each national cybersecurity certification authority shall have at least the following powers:
    • (a)
      to request conformity assessment bodies, European cybersecurity certificates’ holders and issuers of EU statements of conformity to provide any information it requires for the performance of its tasks;
    • (b)
      to carry out investigations, in the form of audits, of conformity assessment bodies, European cybersecurity certificates’ holders and issuers of EU statements of conformity, for the purpose of verifying their compliance with this Title;
    • (c)
      to take appropriate measures, in accordance with national law, to ensure that conformity assessment bodies, European cybersecurity certificates’ holders and issuers of EU statements of conformity comply with this Regulation or with a European cybersecurity certification scheme;
    • (d)
      to obtain access to the premises of any conformity assessment bodies or holders of European cybersecurity certificates, for the purpose of carrying out investigations in accordance with Union or Member State procedural law;
    • (e)
      to withdraw, in accordance with national law, European cybersecurity certificates issued by the national cybersecurity certification authorities or European cybersecurity certificates issued by conformity assessment bodies in accordance with Article 56(6), where such certificates do not comply with this Regulation or with a European cybersecurity certification scheme;
    • (f)
      to impose penalties in accordance with national law, as provided for in Article 65, and to require the immediate cessation of infringements of the obligations set out in this Regulation.
  • 9.
    National cybersecurity certification authorities shall cooperate with each other and with the Commission, in particular, by exchanging information, experience and good practices as regards cybersecurity certification and technical issues concerning the cybersecurity of ICT products, ICT services and ICT processes.

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