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CSA Article 60. Conformity assessment bodies

  • 1.
    The conformity assessment bodies shall be accredited by national accreditation bodies appointed pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Such accreditation shall be issued only where the conformity assessment body meets the requirements set out in the Annex to this Regulation.
  • 2.
    Where a European cybersecurity certificate is issued by a national cybersecurity certification authority pursuant to point (a) of Article 56(5) and Article 56(6), the certification body of the national cybersecurity certification authority shall be accredited as a conformity assessment body pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article.
  • 3.
    Where European cybersecurity certification schemes set out specific or additional requirements pursuant to point (f) of Article 54(1), only conformity assessment bodies that meet those requirements shall be authorised by the national cybersecurity certification authority to carry out tasks under such schemes.
  • 4.
    The accreditation referred to in paragraph 1 shall be issued to the conformity assessment bodies for a maximum of five years and may be renewed on the same conditions, provided that the conformity assessment body still meets the requirements set out in this Article. National accreditation bodies shall take all appropriate measures within a reasonable timeframe to restrict, suspend or revoke the accreditation of a conformity assessment body issued pursuant to paragraph 1 where the conditions for the accreditation have not been met or are no longer met, or where the conformity assessment body infringes this Regulation.

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