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Data Governance Act
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DGA Article 12. Conditions for providing data intermediation services

  • The provision of data intermediation services referred in Article 10 shall be subject to the following conditions:
    • (a)
      the data intermediation services provider shall not use the data for which it provides data intermediation services for purposes other than to put them at the disposal of data users and shall provide data intermediation services through a separate legal person;
    • (b)
      the commercial terms, including pricing, for the provision of data intermediation services to a data holder or data user shall not be dependent upon whether the data holder or data user uses other services provided by the same data intermediation services provider or by a related entity, and if so to what degree the data holder or data user uses such other services;
    • (c)
      the data collected with respect to any activity of a natural or legal person for the purpose of the provision of the data intermediation service, including the date, time and geolocation data, duration of activity and connections to other natural or legal persons established by the person who uses the data intermediation service, shall be used only for the development of that data intermediation service, which may entail the use of data for the detection of fraud or cybersecurity, and shall be made available to the data holders upon request;
    • (d)
      the data intermediation services provider shall facilitate the exchange of the data in the format in which it receives it from a data subject or a data holder, shall convert the data into specific formats only to enhance interoperability within and across sectors or if requested by the data user or where mandated by Union law or to ensure harmonisation with international or European data standards and shall offer an opt-out possibility regarding those conversions to data subjects or data holders, unless the conversion is mandated by Union law;
    • (e)
      data intermediation services may include offering additional specific tools and services to data holders or data subjects for the specific purpose of facilitating the exchange of data, such as temporary storage, curation, conversion, anonymisation and pseudonymisation, such tools being used only at the explicit request or approval of the data holder or data subject and third-party tools offered in that context not being used for other purposes;
    • (f)
      the data intermediation services provider shall ensure that the procedure for access to its service is fair, transparent and non-discriminatory for both data subjects and data holders, as well as for data users, including with regard to prices and terms of service;
    • (g)
      the data intermediation services provider shall have procedures in place to prevent fraudulent or abusive practices in relation to parties seeking access through its data intermediation services;
    • (h)
      the data intermediation services provider shall, in the event of its insolvency, ensure a reasonable continuity of the provision of its data intermediation services and, where such data intermediation services ensure the storage of data, shall have mechanisms in place to allow data holders and data users to obtain access to, to transfer or to retrieve their data and, where such data intermediation services are provided between data subjects and data users, to allow data subjects to exercise their rights;
    • (i)
      the data intermediation services provider shall take appropriate measures to ensure interoperability with other data intermediation services, inter alia, by means of commonly used open standards in the sector in which the data intermediation services provider operates;
    • (j)
      the data intermediation services provider shall put in place adequate technical, legal and organisational measures in order to prevent the transfer of or access to non-personal data that is unlawful under Union law or the national law of the relevant Member State;
    • (k)
      the data intermediation services provider shall without delay inform data holders in the event of an unauthorised transfer, access or use of the non-personal data that it has shared;
    • (l)
      the data intermediation services provider shall take necessary measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for the storage, processing and transmission of non-personal data, and the data intermediation services provider shall further ensure the highest level of security for the storage and transmission of competitively sensitive information;
    • (m)
      the data intermediation services provider offering services to data subjects shall act in the data subjects’ best interest where it facilitates the exercise of their rights, in particular by informing and, where appropriate, advising data subjects in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible manner about intended data uses by data users and standard terms and conditions attached to such uses before data subjects give consent;
    • (n)
      where a data intermediation services provider provides tools for obtaining consent from data subjects or permissions to process data made available by data holders, it shall, where relevant, specify the third-country jurisdiction in which the data use is intended to take place and provide data subjects with tools to both give and withdraw consent and data holders with tools to both give and withdraw permissions to process data;
    • (o)
      the data intermediation services provider shall maintain a log record of the data intermediation activity.

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