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Data Governance Act
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DGA Article 21. Specific requirements to safeguard rights and interests of data subjects and data holders with regard to their data

  • 1.
    A recognised data altruism organisation shall inform data subjects or data holders prior to any processing of their data in a clear and easily comprehensible manner of:
    • (a)
      the objectives of general interest and, if applicable, the specified, explicit and legitimate purpose for which personal data is to be processed, and for which it permits the processing of their data by a data user;
    • (b)
      the location of and the objectives of general interest for which it permits any processing carried out in a third country, where the processing is carried out by the recognised data altruism organisation.
  • 2.
    The recognised data altruism organisation shall not use the data for other objectives than those of general interest for which the data subject or data holder allows the processing. The recognised data altruism organisation shall not use misleading marketing practices to solicit the provision of data.
  • 3.
    The recognised data altruism organisation shall provide tools for obtaining consent from data subjects or permissions to process data made available by data holders. The recognised data altruism organisation shall also provide tools for easy withdrawal of such consent or permission.
  • 4.
    The recognised data altruism organisation shall take measures to ensure an appropriate level of security for the storage and processing of non-personal data that it has collected based on data altruism.
  • 5.
    The recognised data altruism organisation shall, without delay, inform data holders in the event of any unauthorised transfer, access or use of the non-personal data that it has shared.
  • 6.
    Where the recognised data altruism organisation facilitates data processing by third parties, including by providing tools for obtaining consent from data subjects or permissions to process data made available by data holders, it shall, where relevant, specify the third-country jurisdiction in which the data use is intended to take place.

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