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DORA Article 36. Exercise of the powers of the Lead Overseer outside the Union

  • 1.
    When oversight objectives cannot be attained by means of interacting with the subsidiary set up for the purpose of Article 31(12), or by exercising oversight activities on premises located in the Union, the Lead Overseer may exercise the powers, referred to in the following provisions, on any premises located in a third-country which is owned, or used in any way, for the purposes of providing services to Union financial entities, by a critical ICT third-party service provider, in connection with its business operations, functions or services, including any administrative, business or operational offices, premises, lands, buildings or other properties:
    • (a)
      in Article 35(1), point (a); and
    • (b)
      in Article 35(1), point (b), in accordance with Article 38(2), points (a), (b) and (d), and in Article 39(1) and (2), point (a).
    • (i)
      the conduct of an inspection in a third-country is deemed necessary by the Lead Overseer to allow it to fully and effectively perform its duties under this Regulation;
    • (ii)
      the inspection in a third-country is directly related to the provision of ICT services to financial entities in the Union;
    • (iii)
      the critical ICT third-party service provider concerned consents to the conduct of an inspection in a third-country; and
    • (iv)
      the relevant authority of the third-country concerned has been officially notified by the Lead Overseer and raised no objection thereto.
  • 2.
    Without prejudice to the respective competences of the Union institutions and of Member States, for the purposes of paragraph 1, EBA, ESMA or EIOPA shall conclude administrative cooperation arrangements with the relevant authority of the third country in order to enable the smooth conduct of inspections in the third country concerned by the Lead Overseer and its designated team for its mission in that third country. Those cooperation arrangements shall not create legal obligations in respect of the Union and its Member States nor shall they prevent Member States and their competent authorities from concluding bilateral or multilateral arrangements with those third countries and their relevant authorities. Those cooperation arrangements shall specify at least the following elements:
    • (a)
      the procedures for the coordination of oversight activities carried out under this Regulation and any analogous monitoring of ICT third-party risk in the financial sector exercised by the relevant authority of the third country concerned, including details for transmitting the agreement of the latter to allow the conduct, by the Lead Overseer and its designated team, of general investigations and on-site inspections as referred to in paragraph 1, first subparagraph, on the territory under its jurisdiction;
    • (b)
      the mechanism for the transmission of any relevant information between EBA, ESMA or EIOPA and the relevant authority of the third country concerned, in particular in connection with information that may be requested by the Lead Overseer pursuant to Article 37;
    • (c)
      the mechanisms for the prompt notification by the relevant authority of the third-country concerned to EBA, ESMA or EIOPA of cases where an ICT third-party service provider established in a third country and designated as critical in accordance with Article 31(1), point (a), is deemed to have infringed the requirements to which it is obliged to adhere pursuant to the applicable law of the third country concerned when providing services to financial institutions in that third country, as well as the remedies and penalties applied;
    • (d)
      the regular transmission of updates on regulatory or supervisory developments on the monitoring of ICT third-party risk of financial institutions in the third country concerned;
    • (e)
      the details for allowing, if needed, the participation of one representative of the relevant third-country authority in the inspections conducted by the Lead Overseer and the designated team.
  • 3.
    When the Lead Overseer is not able to conduct oversight activities outside the Union, referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, the Lead Overseer shall:
    • (a)
      exercise its powers under Article 35 on the basis of all facts and documents available to it;
    • (b)
      document and explain any consequence of its inability to conduct the envisaged oversight activities as referred to in this Article.

    The potential consequences referred to in point (b) of this paragraph shall be taken into consideration in the Lead Overseer’s recommendations issued pursuant to Article 35(1), point (d).

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