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DORA Article 49. Financial cross-sector exercises, communication and cooperation

  • 1.
    The ESAs, through the Joint Committee and in collaboration with competent authorities, resolution authorities as referred to in Article 3 of Directive 2014/59/EU, the ECB, the Single Resolution Board as regards information relating to entities falling under the scope of Regulation (EU) No 806/2014, the ESRB and ENISA, as appropriate, may establish mechanisms to enable the sharing of effective practices across financial sectors to enhance situational awareness and identify common cyber vulnerabilities and risks across sectors. They may develop crisis management and contingency exercises involving cyber-attack scenarios with a view to developing communication channels and gradually enabling an effective coordinated response at Union level in the event of a major cross-border ICT-related incident or related threat having a systemic impact on the Union’s financial sector as a whole. Those exercises may, as appropriate, also test the financial sector’s dependencies on other economic sectors.
  • 2.
    Competent authorities, ESAs and the ECB shall cooperate closely with each other and exchange information to carry out their duties pursuant to Articles 47 to 54. They shall closely coordinate their supervision in order to identify and remedy breaches of this Regulation, develop and promote best practices, facilitate collaboration, foster consistency of interpretation and provide cross-jurisdictional assessments in the event of any disagreements.

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