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European Media Freedom Act
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EMFA Article 20. Right to customise the media offering

  • 1.
    Users shall have a right to easily change the configuration, including default settings, of any device or user interface controlling or managing access to and the use of media services providing programmes in order to customise the media offering in accordance with their interests or preferences in compliance with Union law. This paragraph shall not affect national measures implementing Article 7a or 7b of Directive 2010/13/EU.
  • 2.
    When placing devices and user interfaces as referred to in paragraph 1 on the market, manufacturers, developers and importers shall ensure that such devices and user interfaces include a functionality enabling users to freely and easily change at any time their configuration, including default settings controlling or managing access to and use of the media services offered.
  • 3.
    Manufacturers, developers and importers of devices and user interfaces as referred to in paragraph 1 shall ensure that the visual identity of media service providers to whose services their devices and user interfaces give access is consistently and clearly visible to the users.
  • 4.
    Member States shall take appropriate measures to ensure that manufacturers, developers and importers of devices and user interfaces as referred to in paragraph 1 comply with paragraphs 2 and 3.
  • 5.
    The Board shall foster cooperation between media service providers, standardisation bodies or any other relevant stakeholders in order to promote the development of harmonised standards related to the design of devices or user interfaces as referred to in paragraph 1 or to digital signals carried by such devices.

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