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NIS2 Article 16. European cyber crisis liaison organisation network (EU-CyCLONe)

  • 1.
    EU-CyCLONe is established to support the coordinated management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises at operational level and to ensure the regular exchange of relevant information among Member States and Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.
  • 2.
    EU-CyCLONe shall be composed of the representatives of Member States’ cyber crisis management authorities as well as, in cases where a potential or ongoing large-scale cybersecurity incident has or is likely to have a significant impact on services and activities falling within the scope of this Directive, the Commission. In other cases, the Commission shall participate in the activities of EU-CyCLONe as an observer. ENISA shall provide the secretariat of EU-CyCLONe and support the secure exchange of information as well as provide necessary tools to support cooperation between Member States ensuring secure exchange of information. Where appropriate, EU-CyCLONe may invite representatives of relevant stakeholders to participate in its work as observers.
  • 3.
    EU-CyCLONe shall have the following tasks:
    • (a)
      to increase the level of preparedness of the management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises;
    • (b)
      to develop a shared situational awareness for large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises;
    • (c)
      to assess the consequences and impact of relevant large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises and propose possible mitigation measures;
    • (d)
      to coordinate the management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises and support decision-making at political level in relation to such incidents and crises;
    • (e)
      to discuss, upon the request of a Member State concerned, national large-scale cybersecurity incident and crisis response plans referred to in Article 9(4).
  • 4.
    EU-CyCLONe shall adopt its rules of procedure.
  • 5.
    EU-CyCLONe shall report on a regular basis to the Cooperation Group on the management of large-scale cybersecurity incidents and crises, as well as trends, focusing in particular on their impact on essential and important entities.
  • 6.
    EU-CyCLONe shall cooperate with the CSIRTs network on the basis of agreed procedural arrangements provided for in Article 15(6).
  • 7.
    By 17 July 2024 and every 18 months thereafter, EU-CyCLONe shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report assessing its work.

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