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Data Governance Act
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Data Governance Act

Understanding the Data Governance Act

Full name of the law
Full name of the law

Regulation (EU) 2022/868 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2022 on European data governance and amending Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 (Data Governance Act)

Link to the official text
Link to the official text
Adoption date
Adoption date

30 May 2022

Transposition or application date
Transposition or application date

24 September 2023

Relevant EU-level authorities and groups
Relevant EU-level authorities and groups
Relevant Member States authorities
Relevant Member States authorities
Objectives of the law
Objectives of the law
  • Public sector bodies (Chapter II)

  • Data intermediation services (Chapter III)

  • Data altruism organisations (Chapter IV)

Key obligations under the law
Key obligations under the law
  • Notification requirement for the data intermediation services providers (Article 11)
  • Obligation to respect purpose limitation for data intermediation services (Article 12)
  • Registration requirement for data altruism organizations (Article 19)
  • Transparency requirements for data altruism organizations (Article 20)
  • Obligation to ensure data security for non-personal data by data altruism organizations (Article 21)

DGAon StreamLex, what can I find?

Included in the resources

Relevant guidance (guidelines, recommendations, etc.) and templates issued by the European Commission and the European Data Innovation Board


Relevant legislation (decisions, implementing decisions, implementing regulation, etc.) adopted by the European Commission


Relevant registers maintained by the European Commission and the European Data Innovation Board

Not included in the resources
Not Included
Not Included

European Commission and the European Data Innovation Board consultations, press releases, internal documents, annual reports, leaflets and similar information materials and ad hoc statements that do not constitute guidance

Not Included
Not Included

Draft versions of the European Commission and the European Data Innovation Board guidance or templates (e.g., issued for the purposes of public consultation) and invalidated guidance and templates (e.g., documents superseded by other guidance)

Not Included
Not Included

Documents issued by the national authorities

Not Included
Not Included

EU and national court judgments

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