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General Data Protection Regulation

Understanding the General Data Protection Regulation

Full name of the law
Full name of the law

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

Link to the official text
Link to the official text
Adoption date
Adoption date

27 April 2016

Transposition or application date
Transposition or application date

25 May 2018

Relevant EU-level authorities and groups
Relevant EU-level authorities and groups
Relevant Member States authorities
Relevant Member States authorities
Objectives of the law
Objectives of the law
  • Processing of personal data by natural persons in their professional capacity and public and private legal entities established in the EU

  • Processing of personal data by public and private entities not established in the EU where such data processing takes place in the context of offering goods or services (paid or for free) to or monitoring the behaviour of the data subjects in the EU

  • Relevant provisions: Article 2Article 3
Key obligations under the law
Key obligations under the law
  • Securing an appropriate legal basis for data processing, e.g., consent, contract or legitimate interests (Article 6)
  • Ensuring data subject rights, including access and erasure (Chapter III)

  • Conducting Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for high-risk processing (Article 35)
  • Appointing a Data Protection Officer (DPO) where required (Article 37)
  • Implementing appropriate data security measures (Article 32) and breach notification processes (Article 33)

GDPRon StreamLex, what can I find?

Included in the resources

Relevant guidance (guidelines, recommendations, etc.) and templates issued by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and European Commission


Relevant legislation (decisions, implementing decisions, implementing regulation, etc.) adopted by the European Commission


Relevant registers maintained by the EDPB (e.g., One-stop-shop register) and the European Commission (e.g., a database of the adequacy decisions)


Working Party 29 guidelines endorsed by the EDPB

Not included in the resources
Not Included
Not Included

EDPB responses to the European Commission consultations, responses received to the EDPB consultations, press releases, internal documents, annual reports, leaflets and similar information materials and ad hoc statements that do not constitute guidance

Not Included
Not Included

European Commission consultations, press releases, internal documents, annual reports, leaflets and similar information materials and ad hoc statements that do not constitute guidance

Not Included
Not Included

Draft versions of the EDPB and European Commission guidance or templates (e.g., issued for the purposes of public consultation) and invalidated guidance and templates (e.g., documents superseded by other guidance)

Not Included
Not Included

Historical Working Party 29 guidelines not endorsed by the EDPB (the link to the WP29 historical guidelines database is included in the resources)

Not Included
Not Included

Documents issued by the national supervisory authorities

Not Included
Not Included

CJEU or national court judgments

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